
Friday, May 7, 2010

Neil Patrick Harris Picks His 10 Hottest Guys

#10) Nick Jonas - I know, I know. He's young - I'm not supposed to. But I can't help it. He's got those bedroom eyes...

#9) Ryan Kwanten - Not only is he crazy sexy, but one gets the chance to see him in all of his nakedness weekly on HBO.

#8) Channing Tatum - Shared a hot tub with Channing and Mr. Burtka at Adam Shankman's Laguna Beach pad two summers back. Nothing naughty transpired, but 'twas a visual strongly seared into my skull.

#7) James Franco - Sat in the second row of a show I did in London. Wrote me a letter afterward saying nice things, which I'm pretty sure means that he's in love with me.

#6) Taye Diggs - Total charmer, coolest guy, and a father to one of the more beautiful babies around. What a smile...

#5) Ryan Reynolds - One day I watched him working out at the gym wearing jeans! Jeans! And you know what? He pulled it off. (The look, not the jeans.)

#4) Colin Farrell - Sex to the E. Screen tested with him once for a film, utterly distracted. He just oozes hot.

#3) David Williams - Oh, there's so, so much to say about him, but I'll just go with: Guuuuuh...!

#2) Ryan Phillippe - Still remember being, er, moved by him in I Know What You Did Last Summer. What a body. I tried wearing that 'white tank top and dog tags' look for a week or so. Couldn't quite do it justice.

#1) David Burtka - He's the total package (Yeah, I did.) Singer, dancer, chef, brilliant actor and, hands down, one of the funniest people I've ever met. I'm very lucky to have him in my life.